Ph.D.,2012, POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
Postdoctoral fellow, 2012.01-2017.07, Johns Hopkins Medical Institute
Postdoctoral fellow, 2017.08-2019.08, University of Pennsylvania
Research professor, 2019.09-2021.12, KAIST
Head of Research Institute, CTO, 2022.01-2023.08, CTX Inc.
Research Interests
Underlying mechanistic study of psychiatric disorders with patient’s iPSCs
Establishment of patient-derived iPSC lines
Generation of disease relevant mouse models for mental disorders
iPSC-based cell therapy for neurodegenerative diseases
Mechanistic study for improvement of cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease
Study of induction factors for TH+ dopamine neurons differentiation
Identification of survival factors for TH+ dopamine neurons after transplantation
Study of 3D organoids as an organoid therapy
Selected Publication
Byun YG*, Kim NS*, Kim G*, Jeon YS, Choi JB, Park CW, Kim K, Jang H, Kim J, Kim E, Han YM, Yoon KJ, Lee SH, Chung WS (Sep 2023) Stress induces behavioral abnormalities by increasing expression of phagocytic receptor MERTK in astrocytes to promote synapse phagocytosis. Immunity, 56(9):2105-2120. (* equally contributed)
Kim NS*, Ringeling FR*, Zhou Y, Nguyen HN, Temme SJ, Lin YT, Eacker S, Dawson VL, Dawson TM, Xiao B, Hsu KS, Canzar S, Li W, Worley P, Christian KM, Yoon KJ, Song H, Ming GL. (Nov 2022) CYFIP1 dosages exhibit divergent behavioral impact via diametric regulation of NMDA receptor complex translation in mouse models of psychiatric disorders. Biol Psychiatry, 92(10):815-826. (* equally contributed)
Lee SH*, Kim NS*, Choi M, Ko SY, Wang SE, Jo HR, Seo JY, Kim YS, Kim HJ, Lee HY, Kim JH, Son H. (Jul 2021) LGI1 governs neuritin-mediated resilience to chronic stress. Neurobiol Stress, 15:100373. (* equally contributed).
Kim NS*, Wen Z*, Liu J*, Zhou Y, Guo Z, Xu C, Lin YT, Yoon KJ, Park J, Cho M, Kim M, Wang X, Yu H, Sakamuru S, Christian KM, Hsu KS, Xia M, Li W, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Lu XY, Song H, Ming GL. (Apr 2021) Pharmacological rescue in patient iPSC and mouse models with a rare DISC1 mutation. Nat Commun, 12(1):2570. (* equally contributed).