Laboratory : Laboratory of Systems Biology (E13-1,103)
Phone : +82-42-821-7264
Academic Career
2015–2020 Ph.D., Seoul National University
2009–2015 B.S., POSTECH
2023– Assistant professor, Chungnam National University
2022–2023 Researcher, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
2020–2022 Postdoctoral Researcher, Seoul National University RIBS
2018–2020 Researcher, Seoul National University RIBS
Research Interests
Understanding genome evolution in terms of DNA damage and repair :
Constructing high-quality genome assemblies using high-fidelity long-read DNA sequencing
Identifying genetic variants using pan-genome analysis
Inferring the underlying repair mechanism of genetic variants using genomic signatures
Understanding the transcriptome of cancer and senescent cells :
Identifying novel splicing patterns and novel genes using long-read RNA sequencing
Characterizing cancer/senescent cell-specific splicing patterns and genes
Selected Publication
Lim, J., Kim, W., Kim, J.† and Lee, J.† (2023). Telomeric repeat evolution in the phylum Nematoda revealed by high-quality genome assemblies and subtelomere structures. Genome Research. (†Co-corresponding)
Lee, H., Kim, J.† and Lee, J.† (2023). Benchmarking datasets for assembly-based variant calling using high-fidelity long reads. BMC Genomics 24. (†Co-corresponding)
Kim, E.*, Kim, J.*,†, Kim, C., and Lee, J.† (2021). Long-read sequencing and de novo genome assemblies reveal complex chromosome end structures caused by telomere dysfunction at the single nucleotide level. Nucleic Acids Research 49, 3338-3353. (*Co-first; †Co-corresponding)