The college of Bioscience and Biotechnology(CBB) is a center of education and research in the life science at Chungnam National University. The college offers exciting opportunities for graduate students to pursue their goals in diverse areas of research. It is home to 24 faculty, 102 graduate students, 10 postdoctoral fellows, 343 undergraduate majors, and 7 technical and administrative staff.
The University furthered its commitment to the life science again by supporting a new 5,700 squre-meter laboratory building, the Bioscience Hall. Complete animal facility is adjacent to the Bioscience hall. At the same time, we are served by the Center for Research Instrument and Experimental Facilities. It provides modern facilities required for experimental research in life science as well as natural sciences. It is equipped with current analysis facilities including confocal microscope, electron microscope, automated DNA, and amino acid sequence analyzer, various imaging facilities, X-ray crystallographer, automated DNA cheap analyzer, and nearly 60 other current models.
College of Bioscience and Biotechnology at Chungnam National University is running a BK21+ project, of which annual budget is approximately 6.3 billion won for 7 years starting in 2013, establishing the Daedeok Innopolis Bio Brain Center (DIBBC). DIBBC sets its goal as 'BIO-PIPE'- Professional education, Innovative research, Practical development, and Exellent institute in BIO area. To achieve the goals, we take concrete action as follows.
We believe that the CBB is the place for people who are interested in cutting edge of research in life science and determined to exude their scientific talent to get answers to their ultimate questions, together with our faculty, students, and other human resources. We welcome all of you to this promising academic place, the CBB.
Participating faculty of the graduate program in bioscience and biotechnology includes member of the Department of Biological Sciences and the Department of Microbiology & Molecular Biology, as well as selected members of Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, and other renowned research institutes.
The program encourages critical, independent thinking and emphasizes experimental research. Faculty members and their research groups pursue research in areas of cell biology, biological dynamics, bioinformatics, cancer biology, developmental biology, ecology, genetics, genomics, immunology, molecular biology, microbiology, neurobiology, proteomics, structural biology, taxonomy, and virology. Students have a wide choice of advisors with diverse research projects. Overlapping research interests encourage students and postdoctoral fellows to help and advise each other.
Early exposure to independent research is provided by the rotation of students through several different laboratories during the first year of graduate study. This allows students to observe the experimental approaches used by different investigators. Although training in independent research is the single most important element of graduate education in the college of Bioscience and Biotechnology, it is integrated with a strong curriculum and extensive seminar series.